News archive
- Apple announced that computers released in 2003 will not be supported for booting into Mac OS 9. Let us know if we can help you migrate to Mac OS X.
- Apple released Mac OS X 10.2 "Jaguar" in late summer 2003. MacMastery has been testing Mac OS X 10.2 for nine months before its release and is ready to help you.
Software Updates
- Mac OS X Server 10.1.2 is available. You need Mac OS X 10.1.1 (below) as well.
- Major mainstream applications are now available for Mac OS X including Microsoft Office version X and Adobe Illustrator 10.

- Mac OS 9.2.2 is available from Apple. This does not run on all computers that can run Mac OS 9.1, but rather the same set of computers that runs Mac OS X (iMacs, iBooks, PowerMac G3s/G4s and all PowerBook G3s/G4s except the first PowerBook G3. We recommend this update for all customers, especially those customers using Classic in Mac OS X.
- Apple has released the Internet Explorer 5.1.3 update, Security Update 10-19-2001 and Installer Update. Those are available as separate downloads
- Apple has now made available a variety of web page badges, if you like such things. They cover WebObjects, Darwin, Mac OS X Server, ColorSync, QuickTime and general Mac technology.
- Mac OS 9.2.1 is available from Apple. This does not run on all computers that can run Mac OS 9.1, but rather the same set of computers that runs Mac OS X (iMacs, iBooks, PowerMac G3s/G4s and all PowerBook G3s/G4s except the first PowerBook G3. We recommend this update for all customers, especially those customers using Classic in Mac OS X.
- Apple has announced Mac OS X 10.1 which became available in September 2001. It includes much better performance than previous versions of Mac OS X and several features that Mac OS 9 had that didn't make it into Mac OS X 10.0 like watching DVD movies on many computers, a movable Dock, font smoothing that can be turned off at small font sizes, ControlStrip-like widgets in the menu bar, AirPort utilities, CD burning in the Finder and much more! Information on upgrading to Mac OS X 10.1.
- Worms and viruses that you may be hearing about only affect Windows. Your Mac is safe: Klez, CodeRed, SirCam, VBS/OnTheFly "Anna Kournikova", Melissa, and LoveLetter do not affect Mac OS.